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STEVEN PIPPIN (1) copy.jpg
Steven piippin copy.jpg



Since this was my first pinhole outside in the dark for my first capture, I took two pinholes and placed them in different areas at exactly 10pm which I then collected at 2am. I developed the capture in the darkroom to see whether it needed more or less time and I figured it needed more time. 


For my second shoot I left my pinhole from 10 pm till 4am which showed improvement as there was more detail, but it still needed more time. I did another shot from 10pm till 4 am which I ended up oversleeping and I woke up at 7am instead of 4 (it was worth it). 


Since it was getting darker faster, I went out at 9pm this time and left the pinhole cameras till 6am which did not seem to work but when developed in the darkroom they ended up working. This was great news as that means this is the baseline of time and I went out again and the pinholes came out fine, but one can got ran over because the wind pushed it into the road. 


I went out for another 9pm-6am shoot but this time I overslept and woke up at 6:12 and I collected all the pinholes at 6:15 which those 15 minutes turned out for the better as those results were a lot better and the images were more refine 

I tried double exposure and they came out better than I expected but on one I left the exposure on for too long so it became over exposed and came out black. double exposure is when you open your can for a few seconds and close it then you move to a different location and repeat the process. When it was cloudy I left the exposure for 5 seconds but when it was sunny I left it open for 2 seconds that is why the reason I had a overexposed piece because when I opened it there was cloud but it got sunny so the exposure got overexposed.

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